Well, here I sit overlooking a hillside of snow.....certainly hoping that the old saying about March coming in like a lion and out like a lamb holds true!!!  What a week of weather the whole United States has experienced.  My heart goes out to people living on the Atlantic coast.

I am gearing up for yard sales, flea markets and gardening!!  And while the weather hasn't been great for taking new photographs, I found some old favorites and worked them, in some cases, into a collage to form a large pocket for the front of my new tote bags.  Working on the Lake Erie Fun tote brought back memories of a wonderfully sunny day with my brother and sister-in-law on their boat and of a fun day with friends shopping in Geneva-on-the-Lake!!  The In the Garden tote has me thinking of what flowers I plan to purchase when our local greenhouses open...

I cannot claim to have made the tote bag itself, the 100% all natural, heavy duty cotton will hold just about anything that you wish to carry. The photo cotton has already been washed in cold water and will withstand spot cleaning.  If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thanks so much for stopping by and Come On Spring!!!


Totes and More Totes